This is the story of Charlie Chaplin, the beloved silent movie actor whose character Charlot, or the Little Tramp, became an audience favorite around the world. A Clown’s Tears traces Chaplin’s childhood and the difficulties he faced trying to become an actor--how his tears brought joy to all who saw him.
☉The professional voice actors use unique character voices and expression in their narration, which is sure to attract children and lead them into the wonderful English-story environment.
☉The theme of the story is “facing the challenges of your environment.” Through reading this story, children are able to learn about qualities such as responsiveness, determination and aspiration as they relate to life strengthening.
When he was a boy, Leonardo da Vinci loved to observe the world. He was especially interested in lizards, snakes, bats, and insects. He took his observations of the natural world and his imagination and combined them to become one of the greatest artists, scientists and thinkers the world has ever known.
☉The professional voice actors use unique character voices and expression in their narration, which is sure to attract children and lead them into the wonderful English-story environment.
☉The theme of the story is “life appreciation.” Through reading this story, children are able to learn about qualities such as aspiration and appreciation as they relate to life strengthening.
A Ship has crashed and one person remains out at sea. Ten-year-old Jordan must face his deepest fears. Will he risk his life to aid in the rescue of this person, knowing his parents died at sea and his brother Peter is still missing? This is a heart-warming tale of love and bravery.
☉The professional voice actors use unique character voices and expression in their narration, which is sure to attract children and lead them into the wonderful English-story environment.
☉The theme of the story is “facing the challenges of your environment.” Through reading this story, children are able to learn about qualities such as responsiveness, bravery and tolerance as they relate to life strengthening.